I've been Googling for an answer, and it took the right combination of keywords ("imac dock not highlighting") to find this thread on MacRumors.com.
In the first post, a person reports exactly what I'm experiencing. People replied with the usual suggestions: Reboot, Repair Permissions, Reinstall Updates, etc.
On the last post I found this comment:
Hi, I had the same problem but in Leopard. All mouse over effects spontaneously disappeared and stayed off even through reboots.
Once I unplugged and re-plugged my mouse, everything worked fine again.
I suppose if you're on a laptop then plugging in an external mouse might help.
Hope this helps!
I gave it a shot and it worked! I hadn't noticed, but now that I think of it, mouse-over highlighting in general seems to be not right. Hopefully by blogging this, other people will find this solution easier.